FinTech Made in Switzerland (2016) End Credits

Conversations in the film (in alphabetical order): Adriano B. Lucatelli, Andreas Kubli, Carmen Walker Späh, Christina Kehl, Daniel Heinzmann, Eric van der Kleij, Hanspeter Rhyner, Jeremias Meier, Johs. Hoehener, Luzius Meisser, Marc P. Bernegger, Marco Abele, Michael Stemmle, Niklas Nikolajsen, Peter Niederhauser, Philip Kornmann, Rino Borini, Rudolf J. Kurtz, Thomas Jakob

Additional conversations: Andreas Dietrich, Christian Dreyer CFA, Christoph Birkholz, Claus Huber, Daniel Gasteiger, Daniel Grassinger, Eva May, Falk Kohlmann, Felix Niederer, Gian Reto à Porta, Harry Büsser, John Hucker, Jürg Müller, Luc Haldimann, Marco Borer, Michael Appenzeller, Michael Borter, Michel Lalive, Neil Browning, Nicolas Cepeda, Patricia Schlenter, Peter Hody, Ralph Mogicato, Tom Stierli, Urs Haeusler

Additional thanks to (in alphabetical order): Andrej Majcen, Beat Werder, Bernadette Hasler, Brian Bachmann, Christina Henss, Corina Ullmann, Cornelia Achermann, Cyril Demaria, Erich Wenzinger, Flora Paterson, Ioannis Akkizidis, Irene Tschopp, Iris Belle, Ivana Pech, Janine Löpfe, Karl Aschwanden, Marco Thali, Marco Tomasina, Noemi Heusler, Patrick Halbeisen, Patrick Widmer, Patrik Gallati, Raffael Maio, Raffaela Lütolf, Raoul Stöhlker, Renate Meier, Ruedi Maeder, Silja Hänggi, Stefan Bauder, Tatjana Guggisberg, Thomas Balmer, Thomas Kern, Tobias Haudenschild, Tobias Plangg, Tobias Thut, Ueli Wallimann, Walter Meier and all others who made this movie possible

Additional thanks to (in alphabetical order): Advanon, Bexio, Bilanz, Bitcoin Association Switzerland, Bitcoin Suisse, Cashare, CFA Society Switzerland, Contovista, Credit Suisse, Dein Anlageberater, Descartes Finance, Dynamics Group, financialmedia, Finance 2.0, Finews, FinLeap, Fundbase, Glarner Kantonalbank, Hochschule Luzern, Impact Hub, Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen Zug (IFZ), Kickstart Accelerator, Klaus J. Stöhlker AG, Lend, Meisser Economics, Monetas, Nectar, Netguardians, Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), Next Generation Finance, nexussquared, People Invest, Pilatus Bahnen, PostFinance, Raiffeisen Schweiz, Redalpine Venture Partners, Rodex Risk Advisers, Saxo Bank, Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB), Schwyzer Kantonalbank, Splendit, Staatssekretariat für internationale Finanzfragen (SIF), Swiss Finance + Technology Association (Swiss FinteCH), Swiss Finance Startups, Swiss Fintech Innovations, Swiss ICT Investor Club (SICTIC), Swiss Made Software, Swisscom, True Wealth, UBS, Unblu, Volkswirtschaftsdirektion des Kantons Zürich, Zürcher Kantonalbank

Cinematography, Editing, Music & Sound Design by Manuel Stagars

© 2016 Manuel Stagars

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